Study hacks

           Study hacks for students 

Hack#1: walk before an exam
It’s been proven that exercise can boost your memory and brain power.
Hack#2: teach what you have learnt 
The best way to test if you really understand something is to try to teach it to someone else.
Hack#3:draw diagrams.
Drawing diagrams will help you to visualise information which would be hard to describe.
Hack#4: use apps to block distracting sites.
The Self Control app helps you to avoid distractions by blocking websites for a certain amount of time.
Hack#5: watch a documentary on the topic.
Documentaries are an entertaining way of compacting an entire story into a short timeframe. This will help you remember key details from a story plus you may even get extra credit for mentioning that you took the initiative and watched a film about the topic!
Hack#6: take regular study breaks.
When your brain is working, you need to take regular study breaks to help your brain absorb more information but also to keep you motivated and focused when you are working. Take a short break after 45-50 minutes study as your focus and concentration will become impaired after this period, anything new after 1 hour 30 minutes does not get assimilated.
